Tinkatolli Guides


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New Tinka Tips, Junior Level And Badges!

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has released some awesome updates.

A page of tips when you login to the game, as seen below. It’s a basic guide, especially for new Tinkas. It gives you a small section on what blings are, how to collect them as well as how to see how many you have and how many there are in a room. It tells you how to get the teleport feature and what you can do with it. The chat log’s purpose is also described as well as how to collect/pick up things from the floor to keep and how to see all the things you have collected. The tips page also explains how you can get more help by clicking on the help tab at the top left corner of the screen in game.

The help section has also undergone some changes, it’s now more concise with some basic videos

A new level called level Jr has also been released for new Tinkas along with new badges such as the Jr Collector, Jr Explorer, and Berry Good Start (old Tinkas can also get these). To get to level one, you have to get the new Berry Good Start , the Jr. Collector, Jr. Explorer and Teleporter badges. You will also see that the badges section is now on the top of the status and not at the bottom.

The new status update also tells you that once reaching Level 5, you will be getting an extra Tinka, woot!

Berry Good Start Badge -You get this badge by eating all the blueberries in a room

Jr. Collector Badge – You get this badge by picking stuff up from the floor and placing it in your bag

Jr. Explorer Badge – You get this badge by visiting all 5 main rooms of Tinkatolli – Stinkatolli, Junkatolli, Blueberry Hill, Canopia and Tinkertown

I love these, it very useful for new Tinkas as the guide is pretty simple to understand and badges are gained from doing certain simple actions, which is awesome! What do you think, Tinkas? Comment below!

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