Tinkatolli has updated the the levels on the game. If you were level 4, you will now be level 6. Level 7 you can make another tinka. The badges have also updated for all levels.
For level 1 –
- you now need to have Berry Good Start, Teleporter, Junior Explorer and Junior Collector badges. You will get 600 Seeds as a reward.
To get to level 2 –
- you need the Flapper, Online Mover, Junior Seeder and the Junior Builder badges. You get 250 Tinkapoints and 500 Seeds.
For level 3:
- you now need Woot Wiggle, Sea Glass Hunter, Sorter and Junior Scrapbooker badges. You get 250 Tinkapoints and 500 Seeds.
For level 4:
- you now need the Cassi Flower, Offline Mover, Online Giver and the Collector badges. You will get 300 Tinkapoints and 500 Seeds as a reward. Level 4 will now give you a short cut to your pad.
To get to level 5:
- you need to have the Asimov, Online Maker, Offline Giver and the Jumper badges. You get 1200 Seeds.
Finally, for level 6
- you need the Junior Trader, Offline Maker, Online Thinker and the Shuffle Hustle badges. You will get 500 Tinkapoints and 1000 Seeds as a reward.
Level 7 –
- they are the same as the previous (L4 to L5).
Wow, this is great! These updates are pretty cool, don’t you think? Comment below!