Hey Tinkas,
Tinkatolli has added a new Tradercalled Dirty Dozen Trader at Junkatolli.
He will give you Seeds or a surprise item (if you choose the ‘Take A Chance’ option) for 12 any junk item.
If you take a chance, you can get up to 5 more times than what you get at the Sorting Station and you can even get a rare egg, marbles and other rare stuff.
Kevin also posted on the forum about how it works :
As you may have seen , there is anew Shop in Junkatiolli.
I thought I would explain how it works.If you trade 12 things with the trader, he will offer seeds that are worth what the items cost PLUS twenty percent.
For example:
12 bottle caps cost 30 seeds each.
real value = 360
trader offers 432If you take a chance, you may get a worse deal, BUT just because the sound is the negative sound doesn’t mean you lost seeds.
For example:
If you take a chance and get 360 seeds, the sound played is the negative one because you got a worse deal than the first one, but you did not actually loose seeds. The 12 bottle caps only cost you 360 seeds.This is how it works. When you take a chance, he picks one number from this list of numbers:
.75,.75,.75,.75,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5,2,5,0,0,0He then multiples the number by the value of the 12 items.
picked .75 you get 270 seeds (that was a bad deal for you )
If he picks any other number than .75, it is a fair deal or a better deal, UNLESS he picks the number zero.
If he picks the number zero, he then selects your surprise from a list of 8 eight items. Some are cool items (there are two rare eggs on the list) some are really lame (a bottle cap).So, the moral of the story is, it is always safest to take the seeds he offers, but he usually isn’t as mean as you might think. Just because you hear the way!wah!waaaaaaH! sound, doesn’t mean you lost
I love this shop, since I have tons of the same junk I can actually get some Seeds or even a rare junk item back! What do you think of this update?
Man, Kevin makes it confusing for kids!
Lol !
Depends on your grade, vocabulary, and ability to understand math…
Do you know what those rare items are or rare eggs?
Yeah :]
Never seen anything like this before on any other Vw & the best thing its exclusive to Tinkatolli, the team have very good featured & ideas that no other Vw has ever thought of.
what are the 8 items you can win i know 7 of them.
Ooh, I don’t know xD