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Tinkatolli Kickstarter Begins Rolling Out Rewards

Hello tinkas!

As you probably known that Tinkatolli managed to get the $30,000 mark and a little more that they wanted. They said to be patient whilst they are getting the awards ready to give out. My friend Solsolsol9 recently received an e-mail from Kickstarter from Tinkatolli saying a big thank you for helping them on Kickstater only if you pledged. They mentioned that to collect your 1 month membership to Tinkatolli when it launches etc they need to know your Tinkatolli username.

If you contributed over $10 they will tell you about your amount of membership or gifts will be rewarded to you in a few weeks.

Once you have sent them your username, they will then award you with a “Supporter badge” on your status on Tinkatolli and will add a shiny “Supporter Button” in the Gallery.

If you contributed OVER $10 you will be told in the message from Tinkatolli and they will tell you what information you will need. You will be requested a form for your address for $50 or above.

Take a look:

Contributed $10 –

Contributed $25 –

Contributed $50 or above – 

Shiny badge –

In a few weeks for the people that had pledged $10 or more will receive there membership in an e-mail, for your 1 month or what you had pledge for in a few weeks. I’m really liking the badges, are you? – Leave a comment and let us know! Did you contribute? – Tinkatolli are JUST sending out e-mails to people that had supported them, so you may get a e-mail soon.

2 comments to Tinkatolli Kickstarter Begins Rolling Out Rewards

  • I’m excited for the badges and they’re really cool! I pledged $50 dollars and I’ve already gotten my email and filled out all the stuff for my rewards. I can’t wait!


  • PepperXL

    I wish I would’ve pledged.. Oh well atleast I helped by spreading the word, and atleast they made their goal! 😀

    -Pepper A.K.A Flash