Hey Tinkas,
Tinkatolli has announced a new makeable on the Tinkazettee. Today, they’ve released the awesome Tinkatron, which can now be built in the Mechanical Shop in Junkatolli. You will need 400 Tinkapoints, 5 glue boxes, 2 paperclips, 2 hallogen globe, 2 hairclippers, 1 egg carton, 1 large pink pearl, 1 large blue pearl and 1 tin can.
Tinkatron Released –
Locations of items
Hallogen globe (Kelp Key) and (Canopia Cavern)-
Hair clippers (Kelp Key) (Stinkatolli)-
Large blue pearl (Kelp Key) (Sundunia)-
Glue box (Sundunia) and (Kelp Key) –
Paperclips (Mudpatch in Junkatolli) (Sundunia) –
Egg Carton (Diff places)
Tin can (Junkatolli) –
Large pink pearl (Sundunia) –
This makeable is so cool, it has to be one of my favorites! What do you think of it, Tinkas? Comment below!
The globe thing can be found in Canopia cavern too!
Awesome! I need to find that one xD
Hey joelle and loki! Coolpatriot took some pictures. Is it ok?
Yeah, as long as he linked our blog, yup :]
Can you tell kevin that when I traded last time I got the thimble but not the truck. The truck in my Inventory is the one I ‘made’
I dont get time that’s way i’m asking u to pass it on…
Username is MoniMiniRocks
U can remove this coment after doing the needful.
Thanks a ton 🙂
Okay, I will on Monday once he’s working! :]
I can’t find the egg carton anywhere. Can you tell me where it is?
Oh, it can be found in different places. I’m not sure it’s still out on the island though..