Joelle: What are the things you like about Tinkatolli?
Ronaldinho1: I like everything!
Joelle: Awesome xD
Joelle: What is your most favorite feature of Tinkatolli?
Ronaldinho1: I like makeables because they are pretty unique and I like the unusuals also.
Joelle: Yeah, the unusuals are awesome, my favorite !
Joelle: What do you think about makeables created by kids?
Ronaldinho1: I think it’s very creative and unique.
Joelle: What is your favorite room on Tinkatolli and why?
Ronaldinho1: My favorite room is the Blueberry Hill because it is a pretty big place for chatting with your friends and you dont need to worry about being out of enegry. there is blueberries there!
Joelle: Yeah, it’s definitely the meeting point !
Joelle: What do you think of the Unusuals trader in Tinkertown?
Ronaldinho1: I like it because it gives tinkas an opportunity to get rare items that were intended to be given out for an event.
Joelle: Yeah, and also new rare stuff ! 😀
Joelle: What do you think of the Dirty Dozen trader?
Ronaldinho1: I like it because you can get rid of items you do not need and get seeds and other stuff.
Joelle: What do you think of the Trader ribbons?
Ronaldinho1: It is cool, and Tinkatolli changes the times every time when the trader comes so it is nice, so they would give a chance for everyone to get a ribbon.
Joelle: Yeah, they’re very fair 🙂
Joelle: Would you buy any Tinkatolli merchandise? If so, what kind? (E.g. Shirt with your tinka, mugs, plush)
Ronaldinho1: I would, but my parents would not let me for now.
Joelle: Is there anything you would like to see on Tinkatolli in the future?
Ronaldinho1: Not really. I’m not much of a thinker, but I’m sure Tinkatolli will add some exciting and cool features in the future!
Joelle: I definitely agree and we shall see !
Joelle: Thanks so much for your views 🙂