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Tinkatolli Hats Released

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has released hats  for our tinkas you can access from tinka changer by clicking your tinka.



What do you think of this new update? Let us know by commenting below !

6 comments to Tinkatolli Hats Released

  • bunnylover

    i love the hats!

  • bunnylover

    my only con is that when u log off u lose ur hat..
    i might lose my member hat if that keeps up

    • Tinkarobert97

      When your membership goes you can’t use member features so no member hats. As this has only come out in the future when you log out you hat won’t go when you logout.tShirts, trousers and shoes when they come out they will be released along side a new shop the clothing shop that will be in a certain room but Hq aren’t sure yet and you will be able to buy clothing items like hats for trinkets.

  • ILoveIPad825

    I love the new hats updates! It even has a french burret! This is really a fun online world!

  • bunnylover

    yes it is!
    how far in the future