Tinkatolli has recently bee mentioned on the DailyTekk. If you don’t know what the DailyTekk is, it is where they mention what they think are the best 100 amazing tools/websites for kids and parents. Tinkatolli HQ’s twitter mentioned:
Tinkatolli mentioned on DailyTekk! We’re No.4 on their list of Online Kid’s Games – right after Moshi Monsters! Woot!dailytekk.com/2012/08/27/100…
— Tinkatolli (@Tinkatolli) August 27, 2012
Tinkatolli has been picked 4th to be the best Online Kids Games! – Click here for more information about this!
who got first and second?
Not to sure I got 4th.
Woot we gotten fourth! People should really come by now!
There is a typo in the first sentence, you wrote bee instead of been. 🙂