Tinkatolli has lots of levels in game, you can Level Up at any time by getting enough Happies and you can do this by:
Key :
** – Gives the most
- Eating
- Collecting Blings
- Complete Quests **
- Filling Online & Offline Status **
- Earning Badges **
- Submitting to the TinkaFair **
- Trading, Moving, Thinking and Giving.
Check how many Happies you have left to reach the next level by checking out the bar on the interface.

Happies are a big key to be a higher level on Tinkatolli and you should check out the Happies page for more information!
If you need any more help, just comment below!
This is pretty awesome, good job Loki and Joelle!! 😀
Hey,you helped me find Beta Egg E and you helped me quite a lot on my 1st day,Loki and Joelle Rock!!!
I have every thing for level 5 exept tinkertown rock, ofcoarse!!
Hehe yeah, I can’t wait for it! 😀
I have everything for level 5 exept offline,which i only need thinker for and tinkertown rock
I have grown the Cassi Flower but I don’t have the badge! Do I have to do something with the flower?
I think you have to go to Stinkatolli and put the flower in the slot, then do the woot wiggle. Asimov will then open.
I did but nothing gave gave me a badge that relates to the cassi flower, it only gave me the Asimov badge! HELP!!
Mhmm, you’re going to have to e-mail Kevin@tinkatolli.com and tell him your problem. If not, I’ll tell the staff, if that’s what you want? :]
Thanks! please do that it would be a big help. 🙂
this website is so helpful!
OKay! 😀 I will today
this website helped me so much..
That’s great to hear 😀
Joelle, um, i have all of the required badges to get up to level 4, but i am staying at level 3. What should i do now?? thanks
Looks like there’s a problem with the levels. If you can, e-mail Kevin@tinkatolli.com and tell him the problem. If not, you can leave it to me xD
Its fixed 😛
i think..
Thx ( thank you if you don’t know what that means! 😀 ) Thats going to help!! 🙂 Because that’s all I need to get to level 4! 😀 🙂 :p :0
Hehe, I’ll reply to you asap!
thank you so so so much! 😀
No problem!
What is tinker town rock, and do you have to be a member? If you could reply that would be great!
Maddie 😀 🙂 😉
Well, it’s a new quest or something like that. It is not know yet if it will be only for members
Hi.Please help me I need only the junior trader award to level up.You must trade 1 time for it and I traded 4 times and I don’t have that award:(
Ok, what is your tinkatolli name?
my tinkatolli username is bobbycool3
Hey Joelle, is it impossible to become level 8 at this time? I haven’t found anyone who is.
Not yet :]
Joelle can you ask the staff when junkey is coming out plz cus i wanna be at least 50 days bye then
Ok !
hi joelle, may u please give me tinkalukes email?? and ask them about how much longer it will be to finish doing the hidden island of junky?? thatnks!!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Heyy ! Luke@tinkatolli.com :]
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
where is junkey at?
No one knows, it is not released yet
hi joelle,i traded with the trader tinka and a didnt get the bage. why dindit please help.
I will talk to the staff about it 🙂 don’t worry
hi joelle, now, did anybody get level 8?
Sure :]
When is Junkey coming ?
I’m not sure but I hope it’s soon! 🙂
Hey guys,
What is Junkey?
Tell meh on twitter, thx! :3
i have completed the cavern crystal questand don”t have any quest to do
U can get it at the quest emporium cOming soon I think
Yup! – Soon the Quest Emporium is coming, meaning new quests and possibly something new?! – Who knows, we’ll just have to wait and see! 🙂
level 23, here i come! 😀
(at level 12)
People are at level 31 now.
Yeah, need to update :]
Anything you do, the most is getting a badge, it gives you lots of tinkapoints but eating, collecting and everything you do on the game gives you tinkapoints 😀
I love Joelle and Loki Terry there excellent, hey im starlight123 if u ever see me add me! <3
Sure 😀 Nice to meet you
Hi Joelle, The only level all i know you can reach is level 50, I think you might reach up to level 50 soon, But i know the maximum level is Level 100.
Oh cool, I will update this page soon :]
im now close to level 20 woot!
Congratulations 😀
You know that Penguitt is at Level 49 so you might need to add that.
That doesn’t need to be added, everyone virtually knows that he has the highest level, so no need to tell people on this page.
hey recently i saw some people at level 59 but when they saw me they left some people are scared to play if they have high levels in fear of getting hacked.
The max level you can reach at the moment is 50, do you remember the tinka’s name who has level 59 as I’m un-aware?
i think she meant 49
i need help
What do you need help with?
Hey Guys!! Nice list Btw 🙂
Anyway can u do codes on tt ~Mk
What do you mean by codes Miniking95?
You guys where the best. Ive joined moshi monsters but theres things i wish it had that you had tt! YOUR the best! xxx