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Tinka Maker iOS version 1.1

Tinkatolli has updated the Tinka Maker iOS app to version 1.1.

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What’s New in Version 1.1

  • We’ve added lots of sharing features so that you can show all your friends how creative you are.
  • Send your Tinkas to Twitter & Facebook directly from the Tinkmaker
  • Make Tinkas that look like your friends and family and assign them to your contacts.

The new features are awesome thanks Tinkatolli HQ for the update. What do you think about the update? Let us know in the comments.

New Tinkatolli Trinket Packs

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has now updated their “Buy Trinkets Page” so that we can buy Trinket Packs. Now, instead of having to keep clicking the “+” button to get to the certain amount of Trinkets you want, you can easily select a pack of Trinkets you want from the Trinket Packs. The “Buy More Trinkets! (In Bundles of 100)” option is still available, but the Trinket Packs tend to be a better deal.


If you want to purchase a Trinket pack, first go to the “Membership page” at www.Tinkatolli.me, and click the “Buy Trinkets” button. You will the be directed to the “Buy Trinkets Page”, where you will see the option to buy Trinket Packs. Their are 5 different packs available. The amount of Trinket and their prices are listed below:

  • 500 Trinkets for $4.49
  • 1,000 Trinkets for $7.99
  • 2,500 Trinkets for $19.99
  • 6,000 Trinkets for $44.99
  • 15,000 Trinkets for $99.99 (Best deal)

What do you think of the new Trinket Packs? Are you planning on buying any? Make sure to let us know in the comments!

Updated Tinkatolli Membership and Parent Page

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has updated their Membership page as well as a minor update to their Parent page. The updates make the pages more easy to navigate, and also include some of the new updates, such as the updated Trinkets.

The Membership page has been completely redone, and now is much more sleek and includes the new updated Trinkets and Coins.

Here is how it looks:


Here is how it looks when you click “Become a Member”:

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You can also see that for each membership (1 month, 6 month, and 12 month) you get a different amount of trinkets each month. For buying a 1 month membership, you get 700 free Trinkets. For buying a 6 month membership you get 4,000 free Trinkets. And finally, for buying a 12 month membership you get 8,500 free Trinkets. Also, the 1 month membership is $5.95, a 6 month membership is $33.95, and a 12 month membership is $49.95.

Tinkatolli have also now added all the different payment options for memberships.

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Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover Network, Pay Pal and 1 onebip.


As mentioned above, the Parent Page, has also received an update, but it is much more minor, and only the bottom of the page has updated with some reviews from different blogs.

This is how they look:


The reviews are by the websites BoingBoing, Drawn!, MetaFilter, and Neatorama. You can read the full reviews by going to the Tinkatolli Parent Page and scrolling down to the reviews. Directly underneath them you can see links to the full reviews, so make sure to check them out.

What do you think of these updates? Do you agree that the pages look better, and are more sleek? Comment below!

Tinkatolli New Clothes Added

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli have added more clothing items to the Clothing Shop in Tinkertown such as a multi-colored dress, more suit jackets, pink and black trousers and more.

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I love the pink jeans, very girly ! What’s your favorite clothing item?