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Tinkatolli Tinkamaker App Now Available In The App Store

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has just released the Tinkamaker App in the App Store for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and it’s FREE. So Tinkas, get your hands on it now and remember to rate it !

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Have you downloaded the Tinkamaker App? What are your opinions on it?

Tinkatolli Woot Wednesday – 9th January 2013 Winner – Russell

Tinkatolli has announced a brand new winner for the first week of 2013’s Woot Wednesday contest. Congratulations to Russell who has won this weeks Woot Wednesday contest and also winning the Woot badge and 1000 Seeds!


Our sporadicWoot Wednesday has been rewarded to Russell for some skillful use of graphite on good old fashioned paper! Nice work, Russ!

Tinkatolli Daily Trade

Tinkatolli has released a brand new feature to Tinkatolli. Everyday at 12am Tinkatolli time at the top left of the screen you will see a picture of Bumbleunder and if you click him it will give you a certain task to do.

Here is a guide:


To see what the task is for today click the big button of Bumbleunder at the top right of your screen.


Here is what you need to do for today’s trade.

You will need 2x cardboard blocks for the trade today.

The reward for today is: 20 Trinkets

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I really like the new way we can earn trinkets. What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

Daily Trade – Coming Soon

I was checking out Alexander’s profile, when I saw it said he has completed a daily trade and earned 20 trinkets.

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This looks great I can’t wait. I think it will be coming out tomorrow. What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments.