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TinkaMaker App Testing and Brand New Tinkatolli Blog Background.

Luke has told us some more news on the Tinkatolli Blog about the Tinka Maker App.

Kevin, Konrad and I have been hammering together something we think all Tinkas will like to get their hands on: The TinkaMaker App.

We took all the creative freedom you know from the online TinkaMaker, squeezed it into a form fitted for the iPad, iPhone and iPodTouch and added even more hands-on options for tweaking your Tinka just the way you want it to be!

As you can see- it’s so simple – even my 5 year old can use it. So can her 3 yr old younger sister;)

Stay tuned for more info about the upcoming app:)

This image of a Tinka of a tinka who has done the Movember could be seen Tweeted by Tinkatolli and also on Konrad’s Instagram.

Also the Tinkatolli Blog has a brand new background.

Thanks again Hq for some more updates from the Tinka Maker App and the new blog background is so cool.. What do you think? Lets u know in the comments.

Tinkatolli New Pad Items Coming Soon?

Hi I recently checked out a Alexander’s profile on Tinkatolli to find he has a few un-released items you can’t get yet on the island.

As you can see a massive rock with a pond and mushroom that hasn’t been released yet.

What do you think about the new possible up-coming items? Let us know in the comments!

Tinkatolli New Badge Ribbon And Icon

Tinkatolli last week made a minor update to the the badge notification when you receive a badge.

As you can see they added a brand new blue square with the amount of Tinka Points you have received for that badge with white text and an up ribbon icon to display it’s Tinka Points your earning.

What do you think about this update? Let us know in the comments!

Tinka Maker iOS App To Support Every Device.

As you all know Tinkatolli will be releasing there first ever Tinkatolli App sometime next month if all goes to plan.

I emailed Konrad and asked if the Tinka Maker app will support the new iPod Touch 5th gens screen and the iPhone 5s screen.

Here is the response.

It’s been confirmed that it will support the new 4 inch iOS devices that got released this year as well as all the other iOS devices. The app will also be fully optimised for both iPod Touch and iPhone and will be fully native with the iPad.

What do you think about the new upcoming Tinka Maker app? Let us know in the comments!

Also if you missed it you can still apply to test the Tinka Maker app if you or a parent has an iOS device and would like to test the app out before it’s released.http://www.cheatswhiz.com/tinkatolli/2012/11/tinkamaker-tinkatollis-first-app/